Darren Kuropatwa's Presentation Wiki
Building Learning Communities Conference 2009
Below you will find descriptions of each of the presentations I gave this year at Alan November's Building Learning communities Conference. There is a page on the wiki devoted to each presentation where you can find an archive of the slides and some additional content.
Contact info:
blog: A Difference
email: dkuropatwa {at} gmail {dot} com
twitter: dkuropatwa
slideshare: dkuropatwa
del.icio.us: dkuropatwa
flickr: dkuropatwa
it's the same all across the netiverse ....
Wednesday, July 29 @ 2:30pm
Time is the greatest bottleneck faced by teachers everywhere for everything from teaching and learning to professional development. This session will explore the ways teachers can use social media to manipulate time and space in the service of helping students, and teachers, learn. Leveraging tools such as Twitter, blogs, Google Docs, wikis in the context of the TCPK (Technological Content Pedagogical Knowledge) framework, we’ll explore what it means to teach in classrooms with glass walls and to shift learning times and spaces to help students and teachers be successful in all that they do “just in time.”
Thursday, July 30 @ 1:50pm
In this session, learn how teachers can “rejig” their lessons to take advantage of social media and free tools available on the Internet. Emphasizing pedagogy over tools, we’ll look at research based approaches to using Flickr, wikis, Google Maps, and mashups of a great many more tools. Bring along your favorite lesson plan and we’ll try to give it a Web 2.0 facelift in session.
Friday, July 31 @ 11:30am
In the face of rapid technological change, where every "new tool" is "old" a week later, there are equally rapid changes occurring in our society and culture. How do these changes impact students in our classrooms? How do they impact teachers and pedagogy? This presentation will explore the intersection of societal change and the evolving pedagogies that frame teaching and learning in the 21st Century classroom.
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